Asset Allocation

Where should I invest ?

Where should I invest ?

Is this a good time to invest in equity !


One of the common questions that investors ask me - where should I invest my money ? Fixed Deposit is giving a paltry return of 5 % . Is there any other investment avenue where I could get better return than this ? If you are facing a similar dilemma in this time and age, you are not alone. The answer is simple and it requires a process to be followed.

Goal Planning - Risk Profile - Part 2

Goal Planning - Risk Profile - Part 2

What is my attitude towards money ?


From childhood, we have been raised in a certain way, which shapes our opinion and attitude towards money. Some are conservative with money , some are willing to take risks . It is important to know where you stand and therefore invest your money in instruments which reflect your risk profile.

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation

Consequences of asset allocation and time on investment


There are two important factors in determining corpus for any goal. These are time horizon of investment and asset allocation .