Education Calculator

Planning for Higher Education Expenses: A Calculating Tool for Parents

Education Calculator

Investing in a quality education is a dream for every parent, but the rising cost of higher education can be daunting. Whether it’s a graduation course in India or pursuing post-graduation abroad, parents often find it challenging to plan for their child’s educational expenses. To address this concern, a new calculator tool has been designed to provide parents with a clear understanding of the funds required and how to plan for their child’s education.

Understanding the Calculator

The newly developed calculator is a comprehensive tool that takes into account various factors to calculate the current and future amount needed for a child’s graduation or post-graduation. Parents are required to input the duration of the course, the annual cost of the course, inflation rate, and the expected rate of return on investments.

For instance, let’s consider the cost of an M-Tech course in the USA, which ranges from 70 lakhs to 1.3 crores. By using the calculator, parents can get a precise estimation of the current amount needed and the future value required to fund their child’s education.

Higher Education - Corpus Amount Calculator

Current Fees per year
Starting Year
No. of years
Inflation rate(%)
Rate of return(%)
Money Needed now
Money needed at start of goal

Education Expenses over the years

Year Corpus Expense Balance Interest New Balance