Goal Planning

Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund

Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund

Spotlight - Reviewing the parameters of the fund

Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund is unique in many ways and is quite interesting as well. PPFAS was established in 2012. PPFAS has only three funds , unlike , many AMC’s. Shri Parag Parikh who pioneered Value Investing is the founder of PPFAS. There are multiple reasons why I find PPFAS quite intriguing and you get a feeling of comfort when investing in their funds. Let us start with the concepts:
Mutual Fund - Equity - Taxation

Mutual Fund - Equity - Taxation

How are mutual funds taxed ?

Taxation of mutual funds is important for filing of income taxes . There are few things one needs to understand before filing taxes for mutual funds: Identify type of mutual fund How long have you been holding the mutual fund ? What is the prevailing tax structure for the given mutual fund ? 1. Identify type of mutual fund First step is to identify whether the mutual fund is equity oriented.
Equity Savings

Equity Savings

What are equity savings ?

Mutual Funds began in 1963 in India. Private mutual funds came into being in 1993. AMFI was established in 1995. Since then, there have been so many varieties of mutual funds. Based on your individual goals and risk profile, you would purchase a mutual fund. The question therefore begs to be asked is - is equity savings fund right for you ? What are equity savings fund ? Mutual funds are defined by their structure and tax applicable on them.
Early Retirement

Early Retirement

How to retire in your 40's ?

I have spent 18 years in IT industry and there have been days where I want to do my own thing. The challenge in an organization is that you feel boxed in so many ways. Many have different reasons. I could list a few below : I am not sure about the stability of my current job I want to do something on my own I want to pursue my dream My health (both physical and mental ) are worsening by the day I need to travel What should I do to retire early ?


How does inflation affect you ?

Inflation is a measure of rise in the general price level of all goods and services in the country. Inflation is often viewed as the reduction in purchasing power of money. If you could buy a cup of coffee for Rs 10/- today and after 1 year, you are able to buy a cup of coffee for Rs 12/-, you have experienced inflation. In this case, inflation is 20%.